Big in Japan...

Coming soon to a toy shop near you. The Tuttuki Bako will bring some joy, fun and amusement to you. We guess this gadget will become a total funny trend.

>> Order one right now <<

Smallest Towel ever seen: From Pill to Towel

This is so japanese! You only have littlee space left, but you want to take your towel wherever you go? Then you need the pill which will convert into a towel. The only need to add water to this wonder pill. The hero from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was said to have pill also this rumours say. 🙂

The Pill2Towel looks like this:
Pill Towel Made in Japan
(Picture shows towel after magic decompression and the pill before! So it is an after – before image.)

We are sure that you have never seen something like this. A perfect gift for geeks! Booyaka!

We have found a serious dealer, where you actually can order the japanese towel pills. Order the Pill2Towel now!